HomeOther The principle of Inclusion Exclusion December 22, 2020 0 Inclusion Exclusion Rule A1∪A2∪...∪An≡∑1≤i≤nAi -∑i≠jAi∩Aj +∑differenti,j,kAi∩Aj∩Ak -........* If the number of elements where none of the properties A1,A2,...,An happens is denoted byNA1' A2' ... An'Then NA1' A2' ... An'≡N-NA1∪A2∪...∪An That is mean =N-∑NAi1≤i≤n +∑i≠jNAi∩Aj -∑differenti,j,kNAi∩Aj∩Ak -........ NAi=#of elements where Ai happens. NAi∩Aj=#of elements where Ai&Aj happens. NAi∩Aj∩Ak=#of elements where Ai&Aj&Akhappens. . . .etc Tags: Other Facebook Twitter